Purchase Medical Exercise Sessions | Pre-Recorded Exercise Sessions
Numerology Consultation | Intuitive Energy Massage | Reminder Cards | Art Classes
Intuitive Energy Massage
This modality combines the healing of Reiki, White Light, CranialSacral, Accupressure and the therapeutic effects of massage, to bring the boy into balance. During the 60 minute session Chakras are Aligned, Energy Blocks are removed and with gentle body stretching, areas of stress and tension are melted away.
Emotion Code Healing Session
30 minute Emotion Code session to release any and all trapped emotions that are affecting a specific area of your life.
This is a great option for stand-alone issues, or immediate relief from any physical/emotional pain, or life's sudden upsets.
Blueprint Numerology Full Chart
Blueprint Numerology Full Chart [destiny & name]
What does your birth date mean? What is your destiny? What is your purpose?
Learn how to better understand yourself and what happened in your past and how it affects you now. Become aware of challenges and how they are affecting your life now.
What does what your name mean? What is your karma, the lessons and experiences you are here to learn? What is your Blueprint Personal Year and what does it mean in the 9 year cycle?
Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses and how you can begin to heal and transform your life.
1 hour reading via Zoom - session is recorded
Unlock Your Creativity Drop In Classes
Unlock Your Creativity is now a drop-in class ... pick & choose which topic or theme speaks to you ... then give yourself that time to dig deep, learn something new and have some fun!
Aprox 2+ hours via Zoom at 10am | $25 per class | Payment in advance
Each session will contain a guided meditation followed by creative painting time
Access to past meditations | be part of a private Facebook group to share your creativity & paintings
Intuitive Energy Massage + Guided Meditation / Remove Blocked Emotion
Take your healing session to a deeper level by combining a Guided Meditation [active healing] and Intuitive Energy Massage [passive healing] ...
Guided Meditation allows you to remove and release limiting belief, and/or other emotions and feelings.
Emotion Code Healing Package
Package of 4 Emotion Code healing sessions including initial baseline session. 30 mins each.
Each session will release any and all trapped emotions linked to an emotional/physical issue or event/circumstance that is limiting your overall well being.
Numerology Chart + Healing Session
Take what you have learnt from your numerology chart ... the limiting beliefs and lessons, or other things that have been locked in the closet ... and bring them into the light through a guided meditation.
Reminder Cards
... to connect you with your higher self, with your heart, with your intuition ...
to assist you to be on the path of your life & step into who you are meant to be.
Suggestions for using these cards:
Cosmic Pick
For Daily Inspiration
Self Care Prompts
To Set An Intention
Meditate on the Message
Blueprint Numerology + Relationship Chart
Includes 2 full chart readings for you and your significant other, plus a reading of your relationship.
For people who want to understand and improve relationships of all sorts.
Ever wonder why there are ups and downs in your relationship; or why it feels so comfortable with certain people but not others; or why do you keep attracting the same kind of person?
Understand that you were programmed from childhood and childhood experiences, plus peers, your environment, culture, community and sometimes religion. Understand then heal the childhood experiences and improve relationships of all kinds.
Blueprint Numerology Full Chart + Psychosomatic Chart
Blueprint Numerology Full Chart + Psychosomatic Chart
1.5 hour full chart reading plus body psychosomatic chart reading via Zoom - session is recorded.
3x week LIVE Exercise Classes
3x exercise classes a week ... general, knees + hips, low impact cardio
What more could you ask for ... movement, laughter, exercise, fun, strength, stretching, core & more ...!!
2x week LIVE Exercise Classes
2x classes a week ... your choice
- general all over class
- knees + hips
- low impact cardio
Blueprint Numerology Destiny Chart
Blueprint Numerology Destiny Chart
What does your birth date mean? What is your destiny? What is your purpose?
Learn how to better understand yourself and what happened in your past and how it affects you now. Be aware of challenges and how they are affecting your life now.
** Learn how your Blueprint Destiny affects you and your body psychosomatically. Additional cost.
30 min reading via Zoom - session is recorded